How to fix the aria-expanded bootstrap not working in some page
This code is working fine almost page, but with the same code another page does not working
When I click to show more error details, I got the scroll event instead of expand the details error.
<style>.curly-bracket-error {margin-left: 25%;}.curly-bracket-error h3 {color: #d15b47 !important;}.detail-error {color: #ffb752 !important;font-style: italic;}.detail-error-content {border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;color: #D16E6C;line-height: 27px;float: left;font-size: 11px;padding: 5px;width: 80%;}[aria-expanded="false"] > .expanded,[aria-expanded="true"] > .collapsed {display: none!important;}</style><section class="curly-bracket-error"><h3>Encountered error when rendering content.</h3><span>We apologise for this inconvenience, please contact <a href=""></a> and kindly include the URL and screenshot for further investigation.<br>Thank you for your assistance. <a id="showMore" class="detail-error" data-toggle="collapse" href="#showMoreDetail" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="showMoreDetail"><span class="collapsed">Show more error details.</span><span class="expanded">Hide error details.</span></a></span><br><span class="collapse detail-error detail-error-content" id="showMoreDetail">Index was outside the bounds of the array.<br></span></section>
After investigating I found some library was auto binding to the <a> tag, I changed the a tag to the <span>
Change <a> to <span>:
<a id="showMore" class="detail-error" data-toggle="collapse" href="#showMoreDetail" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="showMoreDetail"><span class="collapsed">Show more error details.</span><span class="expanded">Hide error details.</span></a>
<span id="showMore" class="detail-error" data-toggle="collapse" href="#showMoreDetail" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="showMoreDetail"><span class="collapsed">Show more error details.</span><span class="expanded">Hide error details.</span></span>
I hope it can help
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